Saturday, February 21, 2009

Personal Essay

I have submitted my personal essay as of last night. I submitted the one I initially wrote, but I seem to think now that the second one I wrote yesterday evening would be a better example for this assignment. I mentioned in one of my posts to another student about the Z's blues and this really relates to the issue. What was so funny at the time became unsettling within me after absorbing it for a couple of days. I don't know how many students in our class suffer from sleep deprivation, but I guarantee it is no fun. It affects everything from the time you wake up with the alarm to the time you take the meds at night, waiting and waiting to drift off to "Z" land. Ms. Smith, if you read my post I left two different essays of which both are true. The latter one is the best. As for all my fellow members in the class, I hope you never have this issue. It takes control of you and finding control of it is a struggle.


  1. That sounds really awful. I know how important sleep is, and how crappy I feel if I don't get it.I wish I had some great advice to give you. I assume you have spoken to your doctor, and are working on the problem. I hope you find something that works. Good luck.

  2. I saw that note, but it was 10:40pm and I wasn't reading anything then! I liked the one you submitted!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226

  3. I feel the same. If I don't sleep I feel I can't accomplish anything. I'm glad for energy drinks. I hope you get some rest soon enough.
