Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My daughter, Deana, just finished up her classes yesterday at LA TECH. She calls and says I am done with all my classes and then she lays the big one on me, she has fines to pay to school before she can get her degree on Saturday. I am proud of her and her accomplishments, but I am sure glad the "money tree" will get a rest now that I paid her fines. I now have to focus on paying my student loans back starting in 2010 if I can manage to graduate this fall. All you fellow students that have earned scholarships use them wisely and those that are not so fortunate spend your loan money wisely. Before you know it, you are in debt to Uncle Sam or some financial institution. If you can pay on them while going to school do it. No debt when you leave to find that wonderful job and the money you earn goes for the important stuff you want. Good luck to all you graduating seniors!


  1. Heck of a thing for your daughter to throw on you at the last minute. At this point there wasn't really anything you could do but pay her fines for her. After all that hard work you couldn't just let her not graduate. You are a good mom...and congrats on all of your accomplishments as well!

  2. Well, congrats to your daughter and early congrats to you. I cannot wait for the day when I can say I'm done. I am sure my family is looking forward to it as well. Those student loans sure do add up fast. I remember when I first started getting them. I would accept as much as they would offer. It felt like free money. Ofcourse, it is not. Now I try to only accept exactly what I need. I wish I would have done that from the beginning. Maybe then my debt wouldn't be so overwhelming.
